Southerners Guess Iconic Southern Sounds
Our “Southerners Share” series is my favorite thing to come out of 2020. It’s vibrant and allows space for all responses, not just humor (but this one is pretty funny!). The unscripted team is also super proud of the clean visual style.
Why We Love: Peanuts and Coke
Producer/Editor/Motion Graphics
What is it about this classic snack that makes it so popular? The first of our “Why We Love” series dives into this question with bright visuals, some great archival finds, and one of my first motions graphics adventures.
Never Met A Stranger
This shoot had the biggest challenges of them wall: mic failure and WIND. It took us about an hour and a half to get rolling, but our first pair of strangers didn’t have anywhere to go and stuck through until we got what we needed. Faith in humanity restored.
How To Make Chocolate Gravy
This was my first “hands-and-pans” style video. While it was challenging to adopt this new style and cook simultaneously, I had a lot of fun making the video and a lot more fun eating biscuits and chocolate gravy!